For Time:

5 Rounds

12 Over Head Squats (95#/65#)

6 Muscle Ups

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Coaching Tips: Can't do a muscle up? For this workout you will modify it by doing parallette push ups or ring dip push ups. Most failures in the execution of the muscle up happen in the transition from the pull up to dip. To help strengthen your shoulder and chest muscles for the transition, achieve depth while doing the parallette and the ring push up as the modification.  Think shoulders well below the elbows before full extension. Try to get your thumbs to touch your chest by your arm pits.

Good luck to Captain Ed Aceves and Tina Flores with their Crossfit Level 1 certifications this weekend!

Check out Kim Dibble executing the perfect Jump out of her Jump Squat.  THAT is what we meant by 6"!  I think Newman is measuring it in the background…