3 Rounds For Time

21 Right Arm DB Overhead Lunges (35#/25#)

10 Weighted Pull Ups (Same Weight)

21 Left Arm DB Overhead Lunges

5 HSPU's

Post Time to Comments.

NEW CLASSES FOR AUGUST:  In addition to the new 10am class we have added on Sundays, it has come to our attention that there is a need for a 12pm class during the week.  To accommodate as many of you as we can we will be adding a noon class on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning this week.  As always, YOU, our clients dictate the schedule and the classes we offer so, if this becomes a popular time slot, we will adjust the schedule accordingly in the weeks and months to come.

BEACH WORKOUT:  We will be having our Saturday, August 22nd classes at the beach!  Please mark you calendars.  Even if you normally don't workout with us on Saturdays, this is one you won't want to miss!  More details to follow, I promise.

Thank you to everyone that came to Sunday's Free Class.  Tony, Liza, Mike, Robert, Bill and Kevin, nice performance, especially after doing Fight Gone Bad less than 24 hours before.  Kat I, Kat II, and Lisa it was nice to meet you and we hope to see you back soon.  Tyler, thanks for popping in with Jon and Amelia, have a safe trip home and you are welcome back anytime.  Audria, Briley and Michelle, nice work girls!  And once again, thanks to all of you who mentored our new friends.