Thank you to everyone who came to the first official Flexibility Class
Wednesday night.  We will be offering this class every Wednesday at 6pm.  Come try something new, increase your flexibility and in turn, increase
your CrossFit performance.

Below, some photos of the class:

Julia, demonstrating how shoulder flexibility and mid-line stabilization make a headstand effortless, at least for HER! Julia, coaching athletes through the headstand progressions (even flexibility can be scaled, who knew?).  Finally, meet Linda and Halle Aiken, our mother and daughter mid-line stabilizers…




Today's WOD

Clean and Jerk  5, 3, 3, 1, 1

Post loads to comments.

There has been some discussion about adding an Olympic Lifting class to
the schedule at 11am on Wednesdays and Fridays, any thoughts,
opinions?  Please post them to comments.