3 Rounds for Time

400m Run
20 Right Arm DB Overhead Lunge Steps 35#/25#
20 Left Arm DB Overhead Lunge Steps 35#/25#
15 Ring Dips
15 Pull-Ups

Post times to comments.


Thank you to all of the LEO that came to participate in the "Fight Gone Bad" workout today.  We had officers from La Mesa, San Diego and the Sheriff's Department.  We are thankful and proud to already have several of you as part of our CFEC family; Chad, Ed, Vince, Hilda, Anniken, and Dan, YOU ROCK!  We would be honored to have all of you (Dave, Katy, Caesar, Colt, Jason, and Scott) join our family.  It was inspiring watching all of you work hard and encourage each other.  You have our deepest thanks and respect for all that your job entails and all that you do.


We are trying something new this weekend.  On Saturday after the the
Olympic Lifting Class we will be having a FREE Gymnastics Skills
Instruction.  This "open gym" will focus solely on body weight only
movements.  Your coaches will choose 4 gymnastics exercises, for
example: pull-ups (dead-hang, kipping, butterfly), handstands,
handstand push-ups, muscle-ups, L-sits, dips, rope climbs, etc…  You
will spend 20 minutes at each "station", then rotate until you have
completed each exercise.  If these are skills that you are lacking or
would like to work on, please join us from 12pm to 1:30pm this Saturday
06/13/09.  All current CFEC members are welcome.