3 Rounds for time.

10 Squat Cleans (135#/95#)

20 Pull Ups

30 OH Walking Lunges (45#/25#)

500m Row

5 Muscle Ups

Post time to comments.

Coaching Tips: Always scale load and reps to fit your current fitness level. All movements are ones everyone should know how to perform, the only real modification is on the muscle up. For the muscle up, 15 ring dips will be the substitution. We will give a quick demonstration on the muscle up as part of the warm up, but this movement needs to be given your full attention if your are one of those that are very close to getting your first muscle up. The transition between  going from the pull move to the press move is the major reason most have not been able to complete this movement. Work on it.

"The Incredible Shrinking Man"

By Paul Flores

First of all, let me say that this story is long overdue in being told on the pages of CFEC's blog. Dan Wilson has been coming to CFEC for over a year now and I have to say he has made one of the most amazing transformations I have seen in my 10 years of being in the fitness industry. When he started, he was trying to lend his support to his fellow LEO who was training to make the S.D.County Sheriff's S.W.A.T. team by being his training partner. At that time he weighed 265 pounds, could hardly do a legit push up and struggled to complete a workout with out calling 911. Along the way a light must have gone off in Dan's head, because he made up his mind to totally dedicate himself to being a great CrossFit athlete. Talk about inspiration. Watching Dan put his all into all aspects of CrossFit, from doing his push ups legit, getting his first pull up, to changing his dietary habits, made those around him stand and take notice at the progress he was now making. Today, Dan weighs 210 pounds and has his name on a few of the benchmark workouts posted on the CFEC whiteboards. He always has a smile and walks into the gym with a terrific attitude. He has made a bunch of new friends and is one of the most inspiring members at CFEC.  Way to go Dan. You are the MAN.

Dano in March 2008 struggling with scaled Burpees.

Dano Summer 2009, doing it all RX'd and looking GOOD doing it!