400m Run

10 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

5 times.

400m Run

50 Wall Ball  16#/10#

25 TGU  53#/35#

25 Front Squats  135#/93#

25 Zercher Squats  95#/63#

1000m Row

Post time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movement to match current fitness level.  The start of the workout is 400m run with 5 sets of 10 pull ups and 10 push ups. Try to straight set these and keep the intensity high throughout the workout. You will have the 3 exercise series that will challenge you while in a fatigued state. Try with all you have to keep the pace high even throughout these 3 exercises. The wall balls are supposed to be that weight. Again, keep the intensity high with the lighter than usual wall ball weight.

Level 2 with the Big Boys from Julia Cruz Fallica on Vimeo.