Level I

3 Rounds

400m Run

15 OH Squats 95#/63#

12 KB Swings 53#/35#

9 Pull Ups

Level II

3 Rounds

400m Run

15 OH Squats 115#/78#

12 KB Swings 70#/53#

9 Dead Hang Pull Ups

Post times to comments.

10:00am Free Class

400m Run

30 DB Walking Lunges 35#/25#

30 DB Push Press

10 Renegade Rows

400m Run

20 DB Walking Lunges 35#/25#

20 DB Push Press

10 Renegade Rows

400m Run

10 DB Walking Lunges 35#/25#

10 DB Push Press

10 Renegade Rows

Post times to comments.

It's easy to eat paleo at a nutrition seminar.  Hopefully those that attended will try it with success at home.  Thank you to all who came, listened, learned and ate.  I am interested in and would appreciate any and all feedback by email to [email protected].