Partner Workout

200 Box Jump Overs 24/20
150 Lunge Steps w/ med ball
100 Sit-Ups w/ med ball
75 Burpee Over bar
50 Squat Clean Thrusters 95/65#
1200m Run w/ med ball (Both Run, One carries, switch as desired)
***Sit-Ups: Lock legs, Hold med ball during sit up, ball will touch the ground Over head in bottom then sit up and  pass the ball to partner at the top of the rep. When both partners do a med ball sit up that is one rep.
*** Complete Work in Order
***One person works at a time expect run and sit ups
-Post Time

Optional Workout

10 Sets
200m Sprint
200m Recovery Jog
**No Additional Rest B/T
-Post Time
5 Rounds
*One Round Every 5:00
400m run
21 KB Swings 53/35#
12 Pull-Ups
-Post Rx or Rounds Complete