Partner Workout

In teams of two, complete the following:

150 Wall Ball  20#/14#
125 Calories on Assault Bike
* Each partner can work at the same time.  Switch as desired.
25 Synchronized Pull Ups
25 Synchronized Burpees
75 Deadlifts  185#/135#
125 Calorie Row
* Each partner can work at the same time.  Switch as desired.
25 Synchronized Burpees
25 Synchronized Pull Ups
Post time.


Optional Workouts

100 Double Unders
90 Sit Ups
80 Squats
70 KB Swings  53#/35#
60 Pull Ups
50 KB Step Ups  20″
800m Run
Post time.


24 – 21 – 18 – 15 – 12
Calorie Row
Squat Cleans  75#/55#
Lateral Bar Jumps  R+L=1
Push Jerks
*200m Run after every round.
Post time.