La Mesa Police Chief Ed Aceves getting some air on a squat jump!


Today we are doing one workout for all…level ones, this is your chance to try a level 2 caliber workout!  That being said, do not be afraid of what is below!  The beautiful thing about Crossfit?  Everything is SCALABLE!!!  How are you going to learn to do new movements without performing the necessary modifications or skill transfers first?  IT IS OK TO FAIL…IT IS OK TO MODIFY MOVEMENTS AND NOT RX A WORKOUT.  Some of us shy away from trying certain workouts because we do not want to fail or not be able to complete a workout as Rx’d.  In all reality, it is just a workout.  You get out of it what you put into it.  Come to class tomorrow with the mindset that you get to learn how to do something fun and new, and are able to share in this experience with a partner. (Teshina has not lost her mind!)


Partner Workout

40 Min Time Cap

*Complete in any order

*1 person works while partner holds a med ball overhead 20/14#

*If the ball touches the ground at any time, 10 burpee penalty

6 Rope Climbs

15 Wall Walks

50 Calorie Row

6 x 60′ Low Sled Push 90/70#

50 Alternating DB Snatches 50/35#

50 Alternating Pistols

200 Double Unders

Post time or total reps completed.


Extra Credit

AMRAP in 10 Min

200M Partner Carry

10 Burpee + Jump over Partner