Max Reps in 5 Minutes of KB Clean and Jerk 2 @35#/2 @26#


5 Minute Plank Hold


KB Swing/ Plank Walk Out Ladder 53#/35#



30 Second AirDyne / Max Reps in 60 Seconds of Box Jumps  24"/20"

Rest 1 Minute.

3 times.

Post KB C&J reps, Rx plank holds, time and box jump reps.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The rules for the KB clean and jerk are that once the clock starts, the KB's cannot rest on the floor. You must touch the floor to start the rep, but they cannot rest on the floor.  Resting can only be done in the front rack position. The plank holds are on the floor in the push up position. The KB Swing and plank walk out ladder goes like this: do 5 KB swings, put your hands on the floor, walk your hands out into the push up position and go down to both forearms and return 5 times. Then do 10 KB swings and 10 plank walk out to planks. And so on.. The last one is go all out on the AirDyne, then get as many box jumps in 60 seconds as possible. Rest 1 minute between efforts and complete 3 times in total.