Partner Workout

4 Rounds
P1 100 ft. Sled Push    135#/90#
P2 Wall Sit
5 Rounds
P1 20/15 Calorie Row
P2 AMRAP of 10 DB Thrusters   35#/25# and 5 Burpees
* Partner picks up where partner left off at switch.
100 GHD Sit Ups
P1 Works
P2 Hold Forearm Plank
Post time and rounds.


Optional Workouts

50 Double Unders
50 Front Squats   75#/55#
50 Double Unders
50 Back Squats
50 Double Unders
50 Overhead Squats
50 Double Unders
50 Burpees
Post time.


1500m Row
21 – 15 – 9
Power Cleans  95#/65#
Pull Ups
Box Jumps  20″
Hand Release Push Ups
1500m Row
Post time.