Level 1

Overhead Squat 3,3,3,3,3


AMRAP in 15 Min

1 Press 75/53#

1 Push Press

1 Push Jerk

1 Box Jump 20″

*Keep adding 1 rep every round for as long as you are able

Post load and last completed round.


Level 2

EMOM for 18 Min

1st Min: 12 Wall Ball 30# @ 10’/20# @ 10′

2nd Min:  1 Rope Climb + 5 Burpees

3rd Min: 50′ Low Sled Push 90/70″

Post Rx or not.


Level 2X

15 Min to Find 1RM Clean and Jerk


1 Rep every :45 sec @ 70%1RM


EMOM for 12 Min

Odd Min: 3 Muscle Ups

Even Min: 7 HSPU

Post loads and Rx or not.


CF Old School

Choose one of the following:


AMRAP in 20 Min

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats



AMRAP in 20 Min


10 PIstols

15 Pull Ups

Post number of rounds plus reps.