Level 1

Tabata :20/:10 x 8

Rest 1 Min between exercises


DB Push Press 35/25#

Box Jumps 20″

DB Thrusters


*Max reps for each exercise

Post one total number of reps.


Level 2

Tabata :20/:10 x 8

Rest 1 Min between exercises

Power Cleans 95/63#

Front Squats

Push Press



*Max reps for each exercise

Post one total number of reps.


CF Old School

5 Rounds

10 Calories Airdyne

12 Front Squats 135/93#

Post time.


This Saturday 04/19, the 8 and  9 am classes will be held at the track at Grossmont College.  Please come join us for a fun workout!  The gym will be closed this Sunday  04/20.