Happy 4th of July Weekend!


Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:

1500m Row
* Switch every 250m’s
P1 Rows
P2 Holds Forearm Plank
50 Sandbag Power Cleans  70#/50#
P1 Does Cleans
P2 Holds Wall Sit
100 Sandbag Zercher Squats
P1 Does Squats
P2 Hangs from Pull Up Bar
50 Burpees Over Sandbag
P1 Does Burpees
P2 Holds feet 6″ off the ground
100 Sandbag Step Ups  20″
P1 Does Step Ups
P2 Holds Plate overhead  45#/35#
Post time.


Optional Workout

5 Rounds
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
20 Sit Ups
25 Russian KB Swings  53#/35#
30 Double Unders
200m Run
Post time.


“Filthy Fifty”
50 Box Jumps  24″/20″
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 KB Swings  35#/26#
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press  45#/35#
50 GHD Hip Extensions
50 Wall Ball  20#/14#
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Post time.