Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:

4 Rounds
P1 100m Farmer’s Walk  2@70#/53#
P2 Max Reps of Tire Flips   250#/200#
3 Rounds
P1 12/10 Calories on Assault Bike + 10 Burpees
P2 Holds Plate Overhead   45#/35#
1 Round
P1 Runs 800m
P2 Max rounds of:
15 Power Snatches  75#/55# + 30 Double Unders
Post time and rep totals of Tire Flips and PS/DU’s.


Optional Workout

3 Rounds
500m Row
15 Power Cleans  95#/65#
15 Back Squats
15 Alternating Back Rack Lunges Steps
15 Floor Press
Post time.


4 Rounds
200m Run
1 Rope Climb  15′
5 Wall Walks
30 Double Unders
5 Devil’s Press   35#/25#
Post time.