“Partner Workout”
In teams of two, complete the following:

AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Thrusters  75#/55#
5 Burpees
* One person works at a time. One person completes a full round, then the other person does a full round.
– Rest 3 minutes –
AMRAP in 10 minutes
Max reps of Sled Pushes  50#/30#
* One person does a sled push, while the other person rests.
– Rest 3 minutes –
AMRAP in 10 minutes
25 Double Unders
10 Pull Ups
* One person completes a full round, while the other person rests.
AMRAP in 10 minutes
Max reps of Gassers
* One person runs, while the other one rests.
Post reps for each.