Partner Workout 

In teams of two, complete the following: 

For Time:

3 rds each

P1: 20 alternating db snatches (35/25)

      10 box jump overs (20”)

P2: hang from pull-up bar

*work stops if partner comes off pull-up bar


3 rds each

P1: 15/12 cal bike 

P2: 200m run


3 rds each

P1: 20 GHD sit-ups 

P2: 15 back squats (95/65)

*partners work at same time and switch when reps are complete

*Post time


Option #1

For time:

21 bench press (95/65)

21 db hang power cleans (35/25)

21 burpees 

15 bench press (115/85)

15 db push jerks

15 box jumps

9 bench press (135/95)

9 db thrusters 

9 burpee box jump overs 

*Post time


Option #2

Buy-in: 500m row


8 rounds for time:

5 pull-ups

10 goblet squats (53/35)

15 Russian KB swings 


Cash-out: 400m run

*Post time