Partner Workout

20 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 KB Swings 53/35#
15 Air Squats
**Partner A does a round while partner B holds Wall Sit.
***Partner must hold Wall sit for entire round. If partner comes off Wall sit before one round is complete that round will not count.
**Partners will alternate b/t doing  one round and Wall sit until both partners have completed 10 rounds each (20 rounds total)
-Post time

Optional Workout:

5 Rounds
12/8 Cal Bike
10 Deadlifts 185/135#
10 Toes to Bar
12/8 Cal Bike
-Rest 1:00 B/t rounds
-Post time minus 4:00

Optional Workout #2

5 Sets
10 DB Shoulder Press
10 Lateral DB Raise
5 Sets
10 DB Curls
10 DB Hammer Curls
5 Sets
10 Pushups
10 DB Tricep Extensions
**Choose you’re own weight (Ahap for all sets). Rest as needed b/t sets
-Post heaviest load for each couplet