Partner Workout

EMOM for 29:00 (5 Rounds total)
Minute 1: Wall Ball 20/14#
Minute 2: Toes to Bar
Minute 3: Box Jumps 24/20”
Minute 4: Push Press 75/55#
Minute 5: Cals on Ski Erg
Minute 6: Rest
***Partners must switch every :30 for each exercise for Max Reps
***The clock will not wait for you! So, when your partner is finishing the last :30 of wall ball, be ready for toes to bar etc… ALSO, you may switch the order up of who goes first/second after each round if you desire since the one who goes second will most likely have less time.
-Post total Reps

Optional Workout #1

AMRAP 10:00
20 Double DB Deadlifts 50/35#’s
20 Skater Plyos (1=1)
-Rest 3:00
Amrap 10:00
200m Run
20 Reverse DB Lunge Steps (1 DB) 50/35#
-Rest 3:00
Amrap 10:00
50m Front Rack DB Carry (2×50/35#s)
10 DB Front Squats
-Post total Reps for each
***1 rep for every 10m (50m is 5 reps: 200m is 20 reps)
***First two amraps are 40 reps / round. The last Amrap is 15 reps / round

Optional Workout #2

For time:
50 Power Clean and Jerks 95/65#
**Every Break do 50 Double Unders
-Post Time and number of breaks