Level 1

“Bear Complex”
5 Rounds
7 Unbroken reps of the barbell complex.
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press = 1 Rep
No time element.  Must go up in weight every round.  The bar cannot rest on the ground until all 7 reps are completed.  Even to regrip, the bar cannot rest on the ground.
15 Sets
:15 seconds all out on Assault Bike
:45 seconds recovery <150 watts.
Post heaviest load and total calories.


Level 2

EMOM for 10 minutes
2 Power Clean and Jerks  185#/135#
3 Rounds
21 HSPU’s
15 CTB Pull Ups
9 Burpee Box Jumps Overs  24″/20″
15 Ring Dips
21 GHD Sit Ups
Post Rx or cycles completed and time.


CrossFit Old School

7 Rounds
250m Row
5 Power Snatches  95#/65#
4 Overhead Squats
3 Burpees Over Bar
4 Thrusters
5 Power Cleans
Post time.