Reminder: The gym will be closed Saturday and Sunday. We will be at the San Diego and Arizona CrossFit Games Sectional Qualifiers being held at CrossFit SoCal in Kearny Mesa. All classes will be canceled this weekend. Come out and support CFEC's athletes compete for a slot at the 2010 CrossFit Games.

Update: As most of you may have already heard, Lisa suffered a broken ankle while training yesterday. She has had surgery on the ankle and is doing fine. There were 3 breaks in the bones around the ankle and the surgeons installed plates and pins to repair the breaks. Her spirits are as can be expected. She is expected to be released from the hospital sometime tomorrow morning. Keep her in your thoughts.


Level 1

Deadlift  5 X 3


400m Run

15 Deadlifts  BW + 25 #

15 Pull Ups

3 times.

Post load and times.

Level II

Deadlift – Heavy Single



50 KB Pistols  35#/26#

Post Load and time.

Coaching Tips:  It can happen to anyone at any time. Injuries. Unfortunately, they are a part of what it is we do. We put tremendous stresses on our bodies trying to obtain ultimate, elite levels of fitness. We, certainly, try to avoid them at all costs, but sometimes the best laid plans fail us somehow.  I just want to point out that, as adults, we are all responsible for our own actions when it comes to training intelligently. Listen to your body, first and foremost. If you are not up to giving 100%, DON'T. If you feel today is not the day to go for a new PR, DON'T. Live to fight another day. Health and longevity should be the driving force behind our motivation to train as hard as we do. Stay healthy. Train smart.