Level 1
5 Rounds
AMRAP in 4 Minutes
250M Row (Buy in)
3 Power Cleans 115/75#
6 Push Ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 Minute
*Only row once per round
Post one total number of completed rounds.

Level 2
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
*Continue as far up the ladder as you can for 20 Minutes
Muscle Ups
Wall Ball 20#@10’/14#@10′
Double Unders
10 Minutes for Max Calories Airdyne
Post highest completed set and calories.

Barbell Club
EMOM for 15 Minutes
1 High Hang Clean + 1 Jerk
E3MOM for 15 Minutes
5 Back Squats *AHAP
Max Set Strict Pull Ups
Post loads.