Level 1
Squat Clean 1,1,1,1,1
3 Rounds
200m Run
15 Deadlifts 135#/95#
20 Lateral Bar Jumps  (2 = 1 rep)
50 Jump Rope Reps
Post load and time.






Level 2

50 Calories on Airdyne
Max Reps of Squat Cleans in A/D time.  115#/78#
Number of Squat Cleans for Calories on Rower
Max Reps of Pull Ups in Rower time.
Number of Pull Ups for Calories on Airdyne.
400m Run X 3
Rest 2 minutes between efforts.
Post last number of calories on Airdyne and run splits.






Barbell Club
E2MOM for 20minutes
2 Back Squats @ 90% 1 RM
Push Press 2,2,2,2,2
Post loads.






CrossFit Old School
500m Row
30 Thrusters  45#/53#
15 Pull Ups
400m Run
21 KB Swings  53#/35#
12 Pull Ups
500m Row
15 Deadlifts  135#.93#
21 Box Jumps 20″
21 Thrusters  95#/63#
21 Pull Ups
Post time.