Back Rack Jerk  5 X  2


10 Wall Ball  20# @10'/16# @ 8'

25 Double Unders

8 times.

At the start of each round, begin with a med ball clean that corresponds with the round you're on.

First round begins with 1 med ball clean, second round starts with 2 med ball cleans….and so on.

Post load and time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  This week will focus on skill transfer movements that will compliment Olympic lifts.  This will help build confidence and allow you to get better at those complex and very athletic lifts.  We will start with the back rack jerk. It's a great lift for getting a heavy load overhead and often used when overhead squatting.  It's often the limiter when attempting  heavy loads in the overhead squat.  We will, also, go over spotting techniques for his lift during the warm up.  Split jerks are allowed. 

ATTENTION, CLASS SCHEDULE CHANGE: We will no longer have a noon class on Tuesday and Thursday, we will be adding an 8am class on Tuesday and Thursday beginning tomorrow, November 2nd.

Special Announcement:  We will be having a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of CrossFit East County in the city of El Cajon on Wednesday November 10, at 4:30 p.m.  A representative from the mayor's office, city counsel members, a representative from California Assemblyman Joel Anderson's office and a representative from Congressman Duncan Hunter's office will be there to welcome us into their city.  Members from local Law Enforcement offices will be attending as well.  Please pick up a flyer at the front desk detailing more information about this honorable ceremony.  Make plans to attend.


Officer Ja'rodd Jones on the comeback from a series of job related injuries.  We are lucky to have such a large number of our athletes in the law enforcement field.  It has been a very tough week for many of them, as they mourn the death of fallen San Diego Police officer Chris Wilson.  CFEC will be putting together a "Hero" workout in honor of officer Wilson.  We'll keep you updated as to when that will be.