Max Double Unders in 2 Minutes

Rest 2 Minutes.

15 Calories on Rower  (Comp. AirDyne)

30 KB Swings 53#/35#  (Comp. 70#/53#)

Rest 2 Minutes.

Repeat 3 times.



Unbroken Thrusters  75#/53#

Box Jumps  30"/24"

Post D/U reps and time.

Coaching Tips:  Time to step up your efficiency on your double unders, shoot for a big number.  The row/KB swing interval should be short in duration, so, go as hard as you can during these intervals.  Keep your rest periods as short as possible.  With the 2 minute rest periods built in to the intervals, this should be enough incentive to not stop at all and do all sets unbroken.  The second workout calls for the thrusters to go unbroken.  The bar is lighter than most thruster workouts, so going unbroken will be more mental than physical.

Fitness and the pursuit of fitness is the goal for all CrossFit athletes regardless of age.  Long time CFEC client, Fran, takes his training sessions as seriously as any firebreather we have walking into our gym.  Fran realizes that the workouts he does at CFEC will preserve his quality of life more than most of his contemporaries, who are following the Globo-Gym fitness model.  Preservation of our quality of life should be the most underlying reason for all of us to practice CrossFit.  So, let's all be like Fran.