1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Hang Clean= 1 rep    60% of Clean 1RM

Do 1 rep every 30 seconds for 10 minutes.


15 KB Swings  62#/44#

1:00 Ring Plank Hold

5 times.


50 Burpees.

Post Rx'd and times.

Coaching Tips:Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  The power clean is it's own movement. It cannot be combined into the the front squat ( i.e. squat clean ). The percentage of 1RM as your load is a more fair way to play into everyone's strength or weakness in the lift. The ring plank holds are feet higher than hands in the plank position. If you stop before 60 seconds is up, you must start all over if you want Rx. Burpees are chest to deck and knees must NEVER touch the ground to be considered as legit. NO last workout at CrossFit Games burpees allowed. Only Mikko Salo's allowed.