15 Clean and Jerk  50% 1RM ( L II 65%)

40 Double Unders

3 Times.

800m Run

Rest 3 Minutes.

30 One Arm KB Snatch Sots Press  35#/26#

800m Run



30 Bodyweight Accelerating Back Squats

Post 3 times. L II post 4 times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  The first couplet should not take too much time to complete. The first 800m run willl have it's own time. The 30 KB snatch Sots press and 800m run will have it's own time. Level II athletes may perform the 30 accelerating back squats at a later time or after 5 minute rest.

Reminder: Nutrition Seminar will be this Saturday January 16, at 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm. There is a few slots still available, so register ASAP. Cost is $25. Food will be served.

0530 Class from Julia Cruz Fallica on Vimeo.