Level 1

20 Med Ball Alternating KB Press  53#/35#

10 Burpee Broad Jump

15 Box Jump  24"/20"

Rest 1 minute after each cycle.

3 times.


500m Row

10 Thrusters  95#/63#

1 Minute of Mt. Climbers

Rest 1 minute after each cycle.

3 times.

Post times.

Level II

Same as L1's first workout.


30 Accelerating Thrusters  75#/53# + 60# Chain

Post times.

Coaching Tips:Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level. Use the med ball like a bench and keep your shoulder blades and back of your head in contact with the med ball.  Keep your hips up and abs tight as you perform the kettlebell presses, much like a bench press. The broad jump must be the length of a floor mat. The mountain climbers are for a full 60 seconds, in which you are constantly moving your feet, otherwise, you must start the set all over again.

Carrot Banana Nut Muffins

2 cups Blanched Almond Flour (I order mine from justalmonds.com.)

2 tsp Baking Soda

1/2 tsp Sea Salt

1 tbsp Cinnamon

1 cup Dates (pits removed)

3-4 Ripe Bananas

3 Eggs

1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

1/4 cup Coconut Oil (I found it at Henry's)

1 1/2 cups Carrots (shredded)

3/4 cup Walnuts (chopped)

In a small bowl, combine all dry ingredients.  Place all other ingredients (except walnuts and carrots) in the food processor, process until well combined.  Pour mixture into mixing bowl and mix to combine with dry ingredients.  When well mixed, fold in carrots and walnuts.  Spoon mixture into paper lined muffin pans.  Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.  Great for a quick breakfast, just add some protein, or as desert.  (recipe adapted from paleoplan.com)