Choose One:
3 Rounds
15 Body Weight plus 20# Back Squats
400m Run
21 – 15 – 9
Hang Power Cleans and Jerk 95#/65#
Pull Ups
Burpees Over Bar
Post BS load and time.
AMRAP in 30 minutes
400m Run
20 Alternating DB Hang Snatches 35#/25#
20 GHD Sit Ups
20 DB Overhead Walking Lunges
Post Rounds plus reps
5 Rounds
25/20 Calorie Row
25 Double Unders
15 Shoulder to Overhead 95#/65#
15 Pull Ups
200m Run
Post time.
Sloane 155# 23:53 Rx
Gary 185#. 28:59
Jason 225# 34:11 Rx
Erica 165#. 30:42 Rx
Yihoa 185#. 27:18 Rx
Justin 4+12 DB WL Rx
Erica S. 3+6 DB WL
Danique 31:00
Kory 185#. 29:00
Chad 135# 29:51
Cat 4+20 Sn
Sloane 5+20 GHD Rx
Lisa R. 3+7 DD WL Rx
Jessica 5+Run Rx
Tina 4+Run Rx
Antonio 31:50