Level 1

40 Minute Time Cap:

1000m Row
100 Double Unders
30 DB Thrusters 2@35/2@25
25 Pullups
20 Med Ball Russian Twists 20#/14#
*Back Squats 5000#/3000#
20 Med Ball Russian Twists 20#/14#
25 Pullups
30 DB Thrusters 2@35/2@25
100 Double Unders
1000m Row

Post Squat Weight and Time:

Level 2

40 Minute Time Cap:

1000m Row
100 Double Unders
40 Hand to Hand KB Swings 53#/35#
35 Chest to Bar Pullups
30 Alt. KB Snatches 53#/35#
*Back Squats 6000#/4000#
30 Alt. KB Snatches 53#/35#
35 Chest to Bar Pullups
40 Hand to Hand KB Swings 53#/35#
100 Double Unders
1000m Row

Post Squat Weight and Time:

*Accumiliated amount of weight from back squats from rack. You must use the same weight throughout. ie to achieve 5000# you can do 38 reps of 135# or 29 Reps of 175# and so on. You must use the same weight throughout and reach a minimum of the posted weight.