AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:

5 Ground to Overhead   95#/63#

10 Front Rack Position Alternating Lunges

15 Box Jumps  24"/20"

20 Skater Plyos  (There and Back = 1)

Post completed rounds.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level. Once you have completed a clean and jerk, or something similar to that, leave the bar in the front rack position and start your alternating lunges. Unlike walking lunges, all you do is lunge forward with one foot, push back to standing position and lunge forward with the other foot. Each lunge counts as one rep. Start the skater plyos on either foot and jump laterally to the other foot, landing on one foot with the opposite hand touching the ground for balance. Once you return to the original foot, count that as one rep. Pay attention to the coach when this exercise is explained in the warm up.

Reminder: Paul's 50th Birthday Party is tonight at Hooley's Irish Restaurant in Rancho San Diego at 6:00 p.m. Come join in the celebration. RSVP to Tina @ 619-709-1271.