Come celebrate CFEC’s owner, Paul’s, 60th birthday workout today. That’s right, 60! Afterwards, enjoy some healthy snacks to reward your efforts.
“Sexy Sixty”
60 Step Ups 20″
60 Jumping Pull Ups
60 KB Swings 35#/26#
60 Walking Lunges
60 Sit Ups
60 Thrusters 45#/35#
60 Skater Plyos R+L=1 4′
60 Push Ball 20#/14#
60 Squat Thrusts
60 Double Unders
Post time.
“On The Sixty”
2 Rounds
100 Double Unders
40 Wall Ball 20#/14#
30 Power Cleans 95#/65#
30 Pull Ups
40 GHD Sit Ups
* Every 60 seconds, do 3 Burpees
Post time.
Thank you all for your presence at today’s workout. I appreciate it.
Mckenna 31:45
Mandy 37:54 Rx
Russell 40:55 Rx
Kristine 31:17
Andria 39:36 Rx
Brian 42:02 Rx
Tim R. 46:55 Rx
Gary 30:10
Roarke 33:48 Rx
Paul 22:25 Rx. 40” 95# full Burpees. Wall Ball
Erica 29:47 Rx
Brian K. 27:51 Rx
JoJo 23:27 Rx
Newman 27:47 Rx
Jr. 35:54
Linda 40:51Rx
Andrea 32:58Rx
Tina 40:26Rx
Nicole H 41:42
Susan 44:27Rx
Jim 41:41
Michael 40:17
Sam 34:20Rx
Celine 44:50
Emily 29:08Rx