Level 1
AMRAP in 12 minutes
15 Calories on Rower
15 Hang Power Snatches 75#/55#
10 Pull Ups
– Rest 3 minutes –
3 Rounds
20 Overhead Squats 75#/55#
10 Burpees
– Rest 5 minutes –
Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3
Post rep total, time and load.
Level 2
Push Press 2,2,2,2,2
5 Rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Russian KB Swings 70#/53#
– Rest 5 minutes –
5 Rounds of Complex
3 Kipping Pull Ups
2 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
1 Bar Muscle Ups
3 Toes to Bar
* Each round must be done Unbroken.
Post load, time for each.
L 1
Carolyn 120/10:06 Rx/95#
Chris F. 141 Rx/11:17/195#
Jimmy 160 Rx/12:06 Rx/225#
Linda 120/7:53/95#
Jim 123/9:15/95#
Tiffany 80/9:00/55#
Dylan 130 Rx/10:58 Rx/200#
Tina 118 Rx/12:15 Rx/115#
Jessica 113/14:14 Rx/105#
Cami 120 Rx/11:26/-
Jennifer 95 Rx/11:00 Rx/85#
L 2
Warren 165#/6:05 Rx/8:22
James 155#/6:23 Rx/5:24
Ryan B. 135#/10:17 Rx/8:16 Rx
L 1
Bryan 127 Rx/9:59 Rx/205#
Ana 70/12:1/115#
Kelsey 70/10:38 Rx/105#
Jael 94/10:30/60#
Sloane 169 Rx/5:44 Rx/155#
Sam 135 Rx/8:23 Rx/185#
Emily 167 Rx/5:45 Rx/115#
Shannon 101/13:17/85#
L 2
Maddie 145#/5:11 Rx/2:33 Rx