Happy Birthday, Brady!




Level 1
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
200m Run
1 Bar Man Maker Complex  95#/63#
* Bar Burpee
* Bent Over Row
* Squat Clean Thruster
* Front Rack Lunge Right
* Front Rack Lunge Left
Add 1 Man Maker Complex to each round>
Post highest number of complexes completed.







Level 2
10 Rounds
2 minutes of work; 1 minute rest.
3 Ring Muscle Ups
5 Deadlifts  225#/155#
7 Wall Ball  30#/20#
Max Calorie Row in remaining time.
Post total calories rowed .






NOTICE: The 2014 Left Coast Invitational is on this weekend.  Come out and support Emily, Nik, Joey and Aaron as they compete in Saturday’s individual competition.  The event is being held at SDSU.  Sunday is the team events.  Come cheer on Milly, Sloane, Gary, Brent, Carrie, Allison, James, Alex, Teshina, Kayli, Kyle and Tyler.  It’s going to be fun.