10 Snatches

3 Rounds

50 Double Unders

10 Clean and Jerk

10 Snatches


OH Squats


10 Snatches

Level 1 = 95#/63#

Level 2 = 135#/93#

Post total time and load used.

Come see us at our fabulous new facility beginning at 6am Saturday morning. 

Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this move possible.  To all of our loyal clients and athletes, without you, this move would not be necessary much less possible, so for that we say "Thank You!"  Thank you to Dave Newman for helping to secure this location and for the countless hours spent laying the mats upon which we will sweat.  Thank you also to Paul, Don, Scotty, and Steve-O for their help with covering our floor.  An enormous Thank You to James Berry for the all nighters he pulled to install our incredible new pull-up bars and to Bill Simpson for his assistance with same.  Thank you to Diana and her brother Rob for painting the walls (they are almost 20 feet high!)  Thank you to Lenny for wiring us for sound, afterall, what would we do without the music?  Thank you to Tony P. for his unwavering support, friendship, guidance, wisdom and cool head when we needed one.  Thank you to everyone who lent their truck and offered up manual labor for the move yesterday and today: Jason N., Jon B., Amelia, Teshina, Tony A., Robert, Rebecca, Josh, Dusty, and Peter Barbara.  Thank you to all of you that came to visit, checked out our new digs, and ended up sweeping, mopping or helping in some other way: Julia, Mike, Jessica, Kim and Justin D.  Thank you to Tina Flores for so many things: helping with the move, cleaning BOTH of the new bathrooms, bringing snacks for the work crew, and making sure that Paul is always fed and watered and gets his daily nap so that he is able to come to work happy and healthy and put us to work, which helped lead to this new venture in the first place.  Finally, Thank you to Paul Flores, because where would we be without you and your dream and vision?  You have led the way, and we have gladly followed.  Congratulations!