Level 1


200m Run, KB Swing  53#/35#

2 times.

25 Calorie Row, Wall Ball  20#/16#

2 times.

150 Jump Rope, Burpees

2 times.

Post time, total reps for each couplet and overall rep count.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level. The workout goes like this, working in teams of 2 you both try to accumulate as many reps as possible while the other either runs, rows or jumps rope. The team that does the highest rep count in the shortest work time is the winner. All exercises will be judged for complete standards in both load and movement.

Level II


10 Power Cleans  155#/103#

1 Minute Max Calories on AirDyne

3 times.

Rest 3 minutes in between efforts.


8 Push Jerks  135#/93#

1 Minute Max Reps of Double Rope Slams

3 times.

Rest 3 minutes between efforts.


5 Minute Ring Plank Holds.

Post calories and rope slam reps.