Front Squat – Heavy Triple

Pull Up Ladder 5, 10, 15, 20 ,25 Unbroken


200m Sprint

12 KB swings 70#/53#

200m Sprint

18 KB Swings 62#/44#

200m Sprint

24 KB Swings 53#/35#

Post load, Rx and time.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level. Warm up properly before attempting any max load lifts. Take any rep scheme to get you to your heaviest 3 reps in the front squat. You can perform the pull up ladder in between your front squat attempts. The pull up ladder must be performed unbroken to be considered as Rx'd for the workout. Modify the kettlebell swings if you have never attempted them with the heavier kettlebells.

Thank you to everyone that came to the Free Class on Sunday.  It was great to meet so many new people.  Sonya, Pete, Emily, Erin, Sarah, Ariella, Kristy, Cindy, Dawn C-2, Tyler, Melissa, and Kevin – we would love to see you again, you are welcome back anytime.  I also want to thank all of my loyal and adoring fans and friends that came in and/or stayed to help out.  Newman!, Tony P., Rebecca, Chad, Julia, and Tina – Thank you for today and every day, You Rock! And, one more Thank You to all of our members that are always so helpful and welcoming to the new folks, You Rock Too!