15 Deadlift  70% of 1Rm. Every fifth rep must be held at the top position for 15 seconds.

15 DB Thrusters 35#/25#.  Every fifth rep must be held overhead for 15 seconds.

15 Burpees. Every fifth rep must be held in the top of the push up position for 15 seconds.

3 times.


1 Mile Run.

Post times.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  The purpose of the mid-set holds is not only to develop muscle unit recruitment, but also develop mental toughness. Holding onto the bar that extra 15 seconds will help overcome weakness in your grip and weakness in your mind. The same will hold true for all three exercises in the workout. Keep in mind that the workouts that we do aren't always only for immediate physical improvements but for future workouts as well.

Teshina, demonstrating the correct form for the single leg deadlift. She is so focused in her movement, that her ever present smile is missing.