Please join us today for our Kourt's Krew Fundraiser to help 8 year old Kourtney Najjar and her family.  Thank you for your support and generosity.

In teams of two, complete the following couplets:

250m Row

Max Knees to Elbows

3 times.

:45 All Out AirDyne

Max MedBall Cleans 20#/16#

3 times.

200m Run

Max Box Jumps 24"/20"

3 times.

Post total number of K2E's, MedBall Cleans, Box Jumps, Total and Time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level.  The workout will be completed as follows:  While one teammate is rowing, the other is on the pull-up bar trying to get as many reps as possible of K2E's.  When #1 is done rowing, #2 will start rowing and #1 will perform max K2E's.  The teams will stay at each station for all 3 rounds before moving on to the next couplet.  There is no rest between stations, the clock will not stop.

Another great month of athletic performances at CFEC!


More pictures of the new facility. We hope to show the progress we're making in taking it from an empty shell to a gym ready for action.