Level 1

EMOM for 15 minutes
1st minute:  5 Deadlifts  225#/155#
2nd minute: 8 DB Floor Press  w/ Hip Bridge  *AHAP
3rd minute:  10 DB Walking Lunges   *AHAP
5 Sets
12/9 Calories on Assault Bike
15 Russian KB Swings  53#/35#
10 Split Squat Jumps
– Rest 1 minute –
Post loads and time minus 4 minutes.


Level 2

Tempo Overhead Squats  3,3,3,3,3  *AHAP
2 2 0 3
5 Rounds
50 Double Unders
50 ft. Handstand Walks
12 Toes to Bar
12 Alternating Pistols
Post load and time.


CrossFit Old School

10 Rounds
200m Run
Odd rounds:
15 Wall Ball   20#/14#
25 Double Unders
Odd rounds:
5 Devil’s Press  35#/25#
10 Pull Ups
Post time.