Reminder:  Today’s Noon Class has been cancelled.  The Noon Class schedule will return to its normal Monday through Friday schedule next week.  Thank you all for your patience.


Level 1

EMOM for 12 minutes
Odd minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean  *AHAP
Even minutes:
10 GHD Sit Ups
7 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
20 Wall Ball  20#/14#
Post load and time.


Level 2

E3M for 15 minutes
20/16 Calories on Assault Bike
5 Power Snatches  135#/95#
– Rest 5 minutes –
E3M for 18 minutes
4/2 Muscle Ups
8 Thrusters  115#/85#
– Rest 5 minutes –
AMRAP in 6 minutes
10 Alternating Pistols
12 Push Jerks 115#/85#
14 Pull Ups
Post Rx or Cycles completed for both and rep total.


CrossFit Old School

5 Rounds
300m Row
15 Floor Press  95#/65#
15 Floor Wipers  R+L=1
200m Run
15 Power Cleans
15 Pull Ups
Post time.