Level 1

Back Squat 5 X 5
all sets are done @ 80% of 1RM
4 Rounds
200m Run
5 Power Cleans   155#/105#
10 Pull Ups
100 ft. Bear Crawl
Post load and time.


Level 2

Take 12 minutes to find Heavy Single for:
Clean and Jerk
300m Farmer’s Walk  2 @ 53#/35#
15 Pull Ups
25 Double Unders
200m Farmer’s Walk  2 @ 62#/44#
15 Pull Ups
25 Double Unders
100m Farmer’s Walk  2 @ 70#/53#
15 Pull Ups
25 Double Unders
Post load and time.


CrossFit Old School

5 Rounds
500m Row
12 Floor Press  95#/65#
12 Floor Wipers   R+L=1
12 GHD Sit Ups
12 Front Squats
Post time.