Level One

5×3 Back Squat @ 85% of 1RM
-Set Every 2 Minutes
5 Rounds
1 Minute Max Reps Alt DB Snatch 50/35#
1 Minute Max Reps Pull-Ups
1 Minute Max Reps DB Thrusters ( 2 DB’s 50/35#)
1 Minute Max Reps Burpees
*1 Minute Rest After Each Round
-Post Weight and Reps

Level Two

“Heavy Karen”
150 WallBalls 30/20#
4 Rounds Not For Time
5 Glute Ham Raises
5 Deadlifts 315/205#
10 Strict Pull-Ups 25/15#
-Post Time and Rx or Not


5 Rounds
21 Cal Row
21 Push Press 95/65#
21 Goblet Squats 53/35#
-Post Time