Level 1

Partner Workout

30 Min to Complete:

100 Pull Ups

100 Proper Push Ups

100 Calories on Rower

100 Deadlifts 135/95#

5 Min Handstand Hold (against wall; accumulated)

*Both partners can work at the same time, and can complete in any order

Post time or total number of reps completed.


Level 2

Partner Workout

30 Min to Complete:

25 TGU’s 53/44#

50 Partner Deadlifts 315/225# (done together)

100′ Handstand Walk

100 Alternating DB Snatches 50/40#

100 Alternating Pistols

50′ Low Sled Push x 10 90/70# (only one person can push at a time)

*Both partners can work at the same time, and can complete in any order

Post time or total number of reps completed.



Back Squat 10 x 2 (as heavy as possible)

Press 10 x 2 (as heavy as possible)

AMRAP in 10 Min

100M Overhead Barbell Carry 115/83#

10 KB Front Squats 2@53#/2@35#

Post loads and total reps. (100M=2reps)