REMINDER: There will be NO 6:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., or 11:00 a.m. classes Saturday, May 8th. All other regularly scheduled classes will be as usual. The class schedule will return to normal next weekend. CFEC staff and athletes will be competing in the Southwest Regional Qualifiers for the 2010 CrossFit Games at UC Irvine Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Go to for more information about all this weekend's activities. 

Deadlift  5 X 2 @ 80-85% of 1RM


10 Deadlifts 155#/105#

10 Burpees

20 DB OH Lunges  35#/25#  (10 right arm/10 left arm)

5 times.

Post load and time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  Warm up properly prior to any max load lifts. You should work your way to the suggested percentages. That should be 5 sets of 2 reps without bouncing the bar at the bottom. 2 clean good reps. Excellent form on each attempt.  The second part of the workout has DB overhead walking lunges. You must keep your arm fully extended and close to your mid-line as possible. The further away from that position, the more unstable the load will be and the higher the possibility that an injury can occur.  Press up and stay tight throughout the movement.