Level One

100 Pull-ups
100 KB Swings 53/35#
100 Double Unders
100 Shoulder to Overhead 75/55#
*Complete in order
Time cap: 40:00
**Lots of shorter intervals this week so here’s a chipper!! Maintain smart sets throughout. Grind away.
-Post time
Extra Credit:
Practice Handstand walks

Level Two

120 Pull-ups
100 Wall balls 20/14#
80 Box Jump Overs 24/20”
60 Deadlifts 185/135#
40 alt Pistols (1=1)
20/16 Cal Bike
Time Cap: 40:00
-Post time


12 Rounds
Every 3 minutes
1st 3 minutes:
400m Run
2nd 3 minutes:
400m/350m Row
**Scale run and/or row to complete in 2:30 or less for each
-Post Rx or cycles completed.