Level 1
EMOM for 15 minutes
1st minute: 5 Back Squats *AHAP
2nd minute: 20 Hollow Rock F+B=1
3rd minute: 6 Bar or Ring Dips
10 Rounds
:15 All Out on Assault Bike
:45 Recover
Post load and total calories.
Level 2
EMOM for 15 minutes
1st minute: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat + 2 Sots Press *AHAP
2nd minute: 3 Bar Muscle Ups
3rd minute: 10 KB Plank Drags 53#/35#
Bench Press 3,3,3,3,3 * AHAP
Post loads.
CrossFit Old School
Complete the following in any order or rep scheme.
100 Sit Ups
50 Calorie Row
100 Russian KB Swings 53#/35#
100 Goblet Squats
50 Pull Ups
100 KB Waling Lunges
Post time.
5:15 am
L 1
Erica S. 120#/73
Clarissa 145#:56
Mariah 115#/87
Tim S. 165#/93
Armando 235#/102
Rose 30:25
Diana 28:26 Rx
Rob 38:16 Rx
9:00 am
L 1
Rob 156#/-
Tiffany 85#/-
Laurie 75#/43
Stephanie 95#/118
Tim R. 175#108
Nacho 195#/136
Andrea 125#/80
Dylan 32:46 Rx
Barb 32:48
Steve 32:48
Tina 29:55
Tonia 44:03 Rx
Sam S. 33:53 Rx
Cami 30:29
Sonya 39:06
Rob 185#/89
Jen 115#/75
Caroline 90#/56
Taylor 85#/73
Matt 165#/133
Connor 28:23 Rx
Warren 42:53 Rx
Emily 24:51 Rx
Tyler 36:48
Trapp 25:30 Rx GHD
Mariyah 115#/63
Cris 195#/90
Lisa C 3907
Jeria 36:23
Sean 255#/150
Sloane 205#/73
Dean 245#/120
Kayla 28:12 Rx
Gary 32:50 Rx