Level One

In 12:00:
Find 1 Rep Max Bench Press
KB Swings 53/35#
Air Squats
-Post loads and time
***Optional Extra Credit***
4 Sets (not for time)
100’ sled push 135/90#
10 Strict Pull-ups

Level Two

2 Sets
Wall balls 30/20#
*100’ Barbell Front Rack Walking lunges 115/85# after Each Set
-Rest 3:00-
Rope Climbs 15’
100’ Handstand Walk After Each set
-Rest 3:00-
****perform lunges outside!!
10:00 to find heavy single Squat snatch
-Post time minus 9:00 and load


6 Sets (1 every 5:00)
20/16 Cal Row
20/16 cal bike
For Time
40/32 Cal Row
40/32 Cal Bike
-Post Rx or sets complete and time for second part