Level 1


EMOM for 10 minutes
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean  *AHAP
3 Rounds
Max reps at each exercise for 1 minute, with a 1 minute rest between rounds.
Russian KB Swings  53#/35#
Box Jumps  20″
Goblet Squats
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Rest 1 minute.
Post load and one rep total.


Level 2


“Triple Three”
3000m Row
300 Double Unders
3 Mile Run
Post time.


CrossFit Old School

5 Rounds
12 Squat Cleans  95#/65#
12Pull Ups
12 Calorie Row
12 GHD Sit Ups
12 Hand Release Bent Over Row
Post time.